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55 Pre-Owned fuel efficient cars in Rio Grande Valley Texas

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#P2399592C3CDXBG7NH239959SXT 4dr Sedan4 drRWD6 Cylinder, 3.6L, Sequential-Port F.I.8-Speed Shiftable AutomaticRedBlack24,731 mi19/30 mpg
24,731 mi2C3CDXBG7NH239959SXT 4dr Sedan4 drSXT 4dr Sedan6 Cylinder, 3.6L, Sequential-Port F.I.8-Speed Shiftable AutomaticRedBlack24,731 mi19/30 mpg
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#PB122401FMCU9G63NUB12240AWD SE 4dr SUV4 drAWD3 Cylinder, 1.5L, Turbocharged8-Speed Shiftable AutomaticWhiteSandstone14,151 mi26/31 mpg
14,151 mi1FMCU9G63NUB12240AWD SE 4dr SUV4 drAWD SE 4dr SUV3 Cylinder, 1.5L, Turbocharged8-Speed Shiftable AutomaticWhiteSandstone14,151 mi26/31 mpg
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#P1302713GNAXHEG9PL130271LS 4dr SUV w/1LS4 drFWD4 Cylinder, 1.5L, Turbocharged6-Speed Shiftable AutomaticBlackMedium Ash Gray8,867 mi26/31 mpg
8,867 mi3GNAXHEG9PL130271LS 4dr SUV w/1LS4 drLS 4dr SUV w/1LS4 Cylinder, 1.5L, Turbocharged6-Speed Shiftable AutomaticBlackMedium Ash Gray8,867 mi26/31 mpg
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#M24122JM3KFBBL4R0533449AWD 2.5 S Select 4dr SUV4 drAWD2.5L SKYACTIV-G 4-cylAutomaticRhodium White MetallicBlack Leatherette2 mi26/31 mpg
2 miJM3KFBBL4R0533449AWD 2.5 S Select 4dr SUV4 drAWD 2.5 S Select 4dr SUV2.5L SKYACTIV-G 4-cylAutomaticRhodium White MetallicBlack Leatherette2 mi26/31 mpg
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#BW24025AW1N4N4GB7MJ294894GLA 250 4dr SUV4 drFWD4 Cylinder, 2.0L, Turbocharged8-Speed Double ClutchSilverBlack49,648 mi25/34 mpg
49,648 miW1N4N4GB7MJ294894GLA 250 4dr SUV4 drGLA 250 4dr SUV4 Cylinder, 2.0L, Turbocharged8-Speed Double ClutchSilverBlack49,648 mi25/34 mpg
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#BW25021A5XYK53DF8RG196027SX-Prestige 4dr SUV4 drFWD4 Cylinder, 2.5L, Fuel Injected8-Speed Shiftable AutomaticBlack21,727 mi25/33 mpg
21,727 mi5XYK53DF8RG196027SX-Prestige 4dr SUV4 drSX-Prestige 4dr SUV4 Cylinder, 2.5L, Fuel Injected8-Speed Shiftable AutomaticBlack21,727 mi25/33 mpg
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#BW25058AJTHDA1D24N51216384dr Sedan4 drRWD2.0L Turbo I4 241hp 258ft. lbs., 2.0L, Direct Injection8-Speed Shiftable AutomaticMatador Red Mica 3r1Black W/Black Metallic Trim Eb2132,934 mi21/31 mpg
32,934 miJTHDA1D24N51216384dr Sedan4 dr4dr Sedan2.0L Turbo I4 241hp 258ft. lbs., 2.0L, Direct Injection8-Speed Shiftable AutomaticMatador Red Mica 3r1Black W/Black Metallic Trim Eb2132,934 mi21/31 mpg
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#P600384W1KWF8DB6LR600384C 300 4dr Sedan4 drRWD4 Cylinder, 2.0L, Turbocharged9-Speed Shiftable AutomaticBlueMagma Grey51,991 mi24/35 mpg
51,991 miW1KWF8DB6LR600384C 300 4dr Sedan4 drC 300 4dr Sedan4 Cylinder, 2.0L, Turbocharged9-Speed Shiftable AutomaticBlueMagma Grey51,991 mi24/35 mpg
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#M241027MMVABBM2RN234395AWD 2.5 S Preferred 4dr SUV4 drAWD2.5L SKYACTIV-G 4-cylAutomaticMachine Gray MetallicBlack W/ Gray Leatherette5 mi24/30 mpg
5 mi7MMVABBM2RN234395AWD 2.5 S Preferred 4dr SUV4 drAWD 2.5 S Preferred 4dr SUV2.5L SKYACTIV-G 4-cylAutomaticMachine Gray MetallicBlack W/ Gray Leatherette5 mi24/30 mpg
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#PF91870WBA73AK07L7F91870AWD 228i xDrive Gran Coupe 4dr Sedan4 drAWD4 Cylinder, 2.0L, Turbocharged8-Speed Shiftable AutomaticGrayBlack23,171 mi23/33 mpg
23,171 miWBA73AK07L7F91870AWD 228i xDrive Gran Coupe 4dr Sedan4 drAWD 228i xDrive Gran Coupe 4dr Sedan4 Cylinder, 2.0L, Turbocharged8-Speed Shiftable AutomaticGrayBlack23,171 mi23/33 mpg
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#BW24170AWBA53AP03MCG26302430i 2dr Coupe2 drRWD2.0L Turbo I4 255hp 295ft. lbs., 2.0L, Direct Injection8-Speed Shiftable Automatic w/Sport TransmissionArctic Race Blue MetallicCanberra Beige16,186 mi26/34 mpg
16,186 miWBA53AP03MCG26302430i 2dr Coupe2 dr430i 2dr Coupe2.0L Turbo I4 255hp 295ft. lbs., 2.0L, Direct Injection8-Speed Shiftable Automatic w/Sport TransmissionArctic Race Blue MetallicCanberra Beige16,186 mi26/34 mpg
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#BW25057AWBX73EF06R5Z40381AWD xDrive28i 4dr Sports Activity Vehicle4 drAWD2.0L Turbo I4 241hp 295ft. lbs., 2.0L, Direct Injection7-Speed Double ClutchAlpine White 300Red/Black Kukp3,473 mi25/34 mpg
3,473 miWBX73EF06R5Z40381AWD xDrive28i 4dr Sports Activity Vehicle4 drAWD xDrive28i 4dr Sports Activity Vehicle2.0L Turbo I4 241hp 295ft. lbs., 2.0L, Direct Injection7-Speed Double ClutchAlpine White 300Red/Black Kukp3,473 mi25/34 mpg
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#P204041W1N4M4HB2NW204041AWD GLB 250 4MATIC 4dr SUV4 drAWD4 Cylinder, 2.0L, Turbocharged8-Speed Double ClutchWhiteBeige17,094 mi22/30 mpg
17,094 miW1N4M4HB2NW204041AWD GLB 250 4MATIC 4dr SUV4 drAWD GLB 250 4MATIC 4dr SUV4 Cylinder, 2.0L, Turbocharged8-Speed Double ClutchWhiteBeige17,094 mi22/30 mpg
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#P240103MW53CM05N8C60140AWD M240i xDrive 2dr Coupe2 drAWD6 Cylinder, 3.0L, Turbocharged8-Speed Shiftable AutomaticBlack19,692 mi23/32 mpg
19,692 mi3MW53CM05N8C60140AWD M240i xDrive 2dr Coupe2 drAWD M240i xDrive 2dr Coupe6 Cylinder, 3.0L, Turbocharged8-Speed Shiftable AutomaticBlack19,692 mi23/32 mpg
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#M24116AJM3KE2DY6F0545755Grand Touring 4dr SUV4 drFWD4 Cylinder, 2.5L, Fuel Injected6-Speed Shiftable AutomaticMeteor Gray MicaBlack104,972 mi25/32 mpg
104,972 miJM3KE2DY6F0545755Grand Touring 4dr SUV4 drGrand Touring 4dr SUV4 Cylinder, 2.5L, Fuel Injected6-Speed Shiftable AutomaticMeteor Gray MicaBlack104,972 mi25/32 mpg
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*These estimates reflect new EPA methods beginning with 2008 models. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle. Actual mileage will vary with options, driving conditions, driving habits and vehicle's condition. Mileage estimates may be derived from previous year model.